Monday, February 4, 2013

Essences - Wednesday skin - out now!

Hello everybody!

We are happy to announce our latest release, Wednesday skin.

Wednesday skin has a young and happy face. It comes in 8 skintones and each skintone has 5 make-ups (eyeshadows). Each skinpack contains 4 skins (with 4 eyebrow options - brunette, blonde, brown and ginger), eyebrow shape, 6 blushes for contour, alpha lashes, cleavage on layers (tattoo, shirt, undershirt) and windlight settings. 

ADDONS for Wednesday skin

- Lolas Tango skin appliers (mesh breast not included, see info for more details)
- 32 lipsticks for light skintones - pale dust, midday, light rose and beach
- 32 lipsticks for dark skintones - sunkissed, sunheat, sunset, moonlight
- shape (modify / copy) - you can olso find it in fatpacks
- 3 freckles types (beauty marks)

Each fatpack contains 20 skins, cleavage on layers, lipsticks pack (depends on the skintone), shape - copy/modify, 6 blush types for contouring, alpha lashes,
freckles / beauty marks and lolas tango skin appliers.

For extra infos regarding the skin, please click the sign on the wall, if that's not what you're looking for, I'd be glad to answer with a notecard.

Thank you,
Essences Management

TP to Essences Mainstore

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